Setup profile_list

After login, each user will be provided with a list of profiles to choose from. Each profile can point to a different kubernetes cluster, as well as other customizations such as image to use, amount of RAM / CPU, GPU use, etc.

Each item in the list is a python dictionary, with the following keys recognized:

  1. display_name: Name to display to the user in the profile selection screen

  2. description: Description to display to the user in the profile selection screen

  3. spawner_override: Dictionary of spawner options for this profile, determining where the user pod is spawned and other properties of it.

The following properties are supported under spawner_override.

  1. kubernetes_context: Name of the kubernetes context to use when connecting to this cluster. You can use kubectl config get-contexts to get a list of contexts available in your KUBECONFIG file.

  2. ingress_public_url: URL to the public endpoint of the Ingress controller you setup earlier. This should be formatted as a URL, so don’t forget the http://. For production systems, you should also setup HTTPS for your ingress controller, and provide the https://<domain-name> here.

  3. patches: A list of patches (as passed to kubectl patch). Described in more detail below. This is the primary method of customizing the user pod, although some convenience methods are also offered (detailed below).

  4. environment: A dictionary of extra environment variables to set for the user pod.

  5. image: The image to use for the user pod. Defaults to pangeo/pangeo-notebook:latest.

  6. mem_limit and mem_guarantee, as understood by JupyterHub

  7. cpu_limit and cpu_guarantee, as understood by JupyterHub

Here is a simple example:

c.MultiClusterKubeSpawner.profile_list = [
        "display_name": "Google Cloud in us-central1",
        "description": "Compute paid for by funder A, closest to dataset X",
        "spawner_override": {
            "kubernetes_context": "<kubernetes-context-name-for-this-cluster">,
            "ingress_public_url": "http://<ingress-public-ip-for-this-cluster>"
        "display_name": "AWS on us-east-1",
        "description": "Compute paid for by funder B, closest to dataset Y",
        "spawner_override": {
            "kubernetes_context": "<kubernetes-context-name-for-this-cluster">,
            "ingress_public_url": "http://<ingress-public-ip-for-this-cluster>",
            "patches": {
                "01-memory": """
                    kind: Pod
                        name: {{key}}
                        - name: notebook
                                memory: 16Mi