

MultiClusterKubeSpawner tries to be as kubernetes-native as possible, unlike the venerable kubespawner. It doesn’t try to provide a layer of abstraction over what kubernetes offers, as we have found that is often a very leaky abstraction. This makes it difficult for JupyterHub operators to take advantage of all the powerful features Kubernetes offers, and increases maintenance burden for the maintainers.

MultiClusterKubeSpawner uses the popular kubectl under the hood, making the configuration familiar for anyone who has a basic understanding of working with Kubernetes clusters. The flip side is that some familiarity with Kubernetes is required to successfully configure this spawner, but the tradeoff seems beneficial for everyone.

Setting up your installation

You can ask JupyterHub to use MultiClusterKubeSpawner with the following config snippet in your file, although more configuration is needed to connect the hub to different clusters.

c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = "multicluster_kubespawner.MultiClusterKubeSpawner"